Friday, May 18, 2012

Mirage Table, Table with Augmented Reality Technology from Microsoft

microsoft back a table showing a future technology, MirageTable, which is a table equipped with Augmented Reality technology.

MirageTable is an augmented reality device that allows users at different locations to work together through an activity on the table. MirageTable will "trick" the eye and brain are also users with "seamless task shared 3D space" which is a virtual 3-dimensional work space so as if the user is working at the same table.

The way it works is quite simple, to produce the desired effect, it takes a 3-D projector, Microsoft Kinect and a curved piece of white plastic to be placed in front of users. 3D projectors will be used to highlight the image onto a sheet of white plastic, while Microsoft Kinect will track the direction of view of each user and also serves to capture the shape and appearance of objects placed on the surface of the user who sits behind the object.


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