for a hobby or do you have the talent to play the piano but have not been able to buy the piano that the average price is quite expensive, do not worry, because now there are Japanese Wrist-Mounted Finger Piano, a virtual piano that you can play anywhere and anytime. This tool uses a special sensor in the form of small gloves on all the fingers are connected with the device player on your wrist. Players can move the fingers and the sounds of certain notes by tapping on a hard surface like a table or the other. Each finger is capable of playing different music notation and there are three additional buttons at the wrist unit worn on the wrist player. This tool has a very simple but has the ability to play a full octave of music notation. The device has a diameter wrist (bracelet) by 2.5 inches and a thickness of 0.75 inches.
Wrist-Mounted Finger Piano has three levels and three levels of sound volume sounds banks. Sound Bank With this, players can play music with a choice of which voice, piano, bells, and a cat. The device is a virtual instrument using 3 x LR44 battery, priced at USD39.99, or approximately 360 thousand rupiahs.
sumber : berittateknologi.com
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